Selecting The Proper Site!

Water Gardening at Fairfield Garden Center

Choosing a location is the most important initial decision in designing your garden pond. Locate the pond in an active area of your yard so that you can appreciate it throughout the year. It is also important to situate the pond around your best view of the garden. For instance, if you have a deck overlooking your yard, set the pond in an area wher you can see it from the deck's best vantage point.

It will be helpful to plan your pond with a length of garden hose or rope, using it to alter the shape and size until you are satisfied. Use the layout grid to roughly design your pond in your existing landscape. Our water gardening experts will help you realize your vision from there!

Here are some other factors to consider when choosing the location of your pond...


Aquatic plants such as water lilies and lotus require a minimum of six hours of full sun, if they are to achieve their full beauty.


Whether you select a hard or soft liner pond. Be sure to choose welldrained soil. Boggy or wet soil can shift and distort the shape of a liner pond, while sandy soil can cave in the side of a pond.


Trees can cause a variety of problems for a water garden, so locate your pool away from them. Leaves falling into the pond will decay, harming fish and plant life and clogging pumps and filters. Tree roots growing under the pond can also cause damage.


Be sure that easy access to both of these resources is available. Your pond will need to be filled with tap water, while pumps, filters, fountains and other accessories run on normal household currents, making electricity another key concern. It is best to refer to the local licensed electrician in your municipality.


In order to establish a garden pond for lilies, a good rule of thumb to follow is 18-22", even in colder climates such as the Northeast. Be sure to check with your township for zoning laws before proceeding with any pond construction.


How much space will remain around the finished pond? In order to protect the pond from clippings and fertilizers, landscape the pond so that there is 3-4 feet without grass around it. It is very important to take into consideration the type of landscape you desire.


Check with the zoning board to see what requirements you need to fullfill. Some localities may require a fence for a deep pool.


Here are some inspirational and informational links to help you with your gardening needs!

Hollybrook Orchards Rutgers Co-operative Extension New York Botanical Garden Brooklyn Botanical Garden Frelinghuysen Arboretum Monrovia Growers Proven Winners White Flower Farm Weber Grills Prides Corner Farm The Philadelphia Flower Show Call before you dig! - PSE&G Peace Tree Farms

Author: admin

Fairfield Garden Center, Inc Opened in 1967, Fairfield Garden Center is one of the largest and most successful garden centers in New Jersey. Since 1988, Fairfield Garden Center has been the best water gardening center in the state. Sitting on 5 acres, we have everything you need. From mulch to fertilizer to hydroponics, if you can't find it here, you won't find it anywhere!